Thursday, March 11, 2010

For Granted....

Listening to:
Anberlin, "Heartbreaker"

Recently I was met with a truly heartbreaking matter. One of my closest friends betrayed me in the worst, most hurtful way. I have never been so disappointed or disgusted. It really got me thinking about the things we take for granted in life.

If you come from a small town (as I do) you are no stranger to backstabbing. It is practically a staple in that environment, however when it comes from friends outside that circle it seems so much worse. You expect it from the childish minds of your high school dramas, but from your post- high school friends? When you are in high school the pickings are slim as far as friendships go, but after? You pick those from a much larger pool and have higher expectations for them.

Anyway, that's not the point of this blog. The point is, there are so many things in a day that we never stop to think about. What about all those small things that we take for granted? As I am sitting here at five in the morning I am dwelling on these very things. I'm sure you have many, if not all, the same exact memories; the late night calls when one of us really needed someone, the random text messages just for laughs, the shoulder to cry on when I am disappointed? Pointless gifts from roadtrips because you couldn't be there, late night Taco Bell runs, money loaned when you couldn't make ends quite meet? Ruining a friendship is like killing a kitten: pointless and just sad any way you look at it. So many things die with it...all the inside jokes, millions of photographs, hugs, tears, secrets...

For all those out there reading this, I want you to take a moment and think about all the things your best friend has done for you. You know what I'm talking about. All those times he/she picked you up at three a.m. because you had too much to drink, that time they were sitting right there next to you getting just as hammered, or the night that they brought the movies and you brought the goodies and you both wish you'd brought the tissues. Now whip out the cellular device that you love so much and text them. Let that BFF know how much you appreciate them, because it's when you really lose a friend that you realize just how big a part of your life they were. I can tell you from experience that a TRUE friend is a precious thing...don't take yours for granted.

ily Kris, Carter, & Babs. Thanks for everything <3

Signing out,
Your For-granted Free Spirit

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A New Endeavor??

Listening to:

The Coasters, "Down in Mexico"

So recently I decided to take up another hobby
(dear god, like I NEED another one, right??)

SO whilst meandering the unsuspecting aisles of JoAnne's with my mom, she takes me down this row and I can't explain the thoughts that came to me. All I could hear was Nicole Kidman's demi-remake of "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" from Moulin Rouge. Dear sweet jewelry maker's aisle!!!

That's right folks...I've started making jewelry.
Terrible idea?

First of all, there is something to be said for those who make jewelry: You are GODS of PATIENCE. With painting I get to swish and flick like a cheap Harry Potter knock off and dance around like it's nobody's business. Jewelry making? No. Big, Fat No.

Like with any true hobby there were a million pieces of equipment that I did not have and found myself having to buy as well. Need a painting? I own every color you can imagine. Every brush they make. Chances are I even have the canvas size you'd like!

Round tipped pliers, filler brackets, and bead caps?
Negative Ghost Rider.

So I set alllll these beads out and go, " now what?" Hahaha. You have to figure out how you're going to compose this mess into a necklace!

I'm beginning to seriously regret the $85 worth of beads and pliers I purchased.

I'm determined, if nothing else in life. So I crank up the iTunes, rip open a bag of Peanut Butter M&Ms and set to it.

Never have a felt so inept. To say it was an adventure is the understatement of the century.

4 1/2 hours,
3 fingernails,
2 pinched thumbs,
a handful of now useless pieces of metal later
I have finished:

Worth it? You betcha.

Now for a lil Shout Out:

I've had a hard time finding the enjoyment in all the things I wrap myself up in.
A proverbial dark cloud if you will,
had come upon my sun of creativity.
I realized that I do all these things
they just sit in my rooms or on my hard drive collecting dust.
I was creating stuff of no real importance or value.
I'd like to make a shout out to
Stayce C.!
After bravely volunteering for a project of mine,
she made comment that really uplifted me.
It's nice to know other people read the dribble that I take so much time to put down
flip through my pieces and photos.

So thanks Stayce ...
made my day